Essays & Opinion

Talking Hawking

Stephen Hawking makes for an improbable celebrity. He hardly moves at all, and he tends not to make any noise. If you painted him silver, wheeled him to Covent Garden, and left an upturned hat […]

Essays & Opinion

Save the Emo

I was at the Reading Festival (a music festival in Reading, Berkshire, England – not a festival about reading books) a few years ago, and, like you do, I struck up a conversation with a […]

Essays & Opinion

Internet Immortals

Art and immortality go hand in hand. Artists aspire to escape their own inevitable end by creating something that will live on. As William Faulkner put it: Since man is mortal, the only immortality possible […]

Essays & Opinion

Uncharitable Celebrity

Celebrity. It is part of the solution to all problems. That and raising awareness. Child starving in Africa? Then better send for Roger Federer, Whoopi Goldberg or the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra… they are all UNICEF […]